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Тэг: SSH Client

How to Use SSH to connect to Remote Server in Linux - 2021

SSH is referred to as a high-Security Standard. SSH is a protocol used to securely log on to remote systems. It is the most obvious way to access remote Linux servers. Remote Server refers to a computer that is remotely located having a web server software, database, and other sources to manage remote requests sent by the users of a website.

If you are a Linux user then and you want to use SSH to connect to Remote Server then Putty is the latest option. Most people use the preinstalled OpenSSH on Linux, though, Download PuTTY on Linux is used more for debugging, connecting to serial ports, and to raw sockets.

What is SSH?

SSH is a Secure Socket Shell Protocol that gives users a protected method to access a computer. SSH is accepted by anyone who requires to remotely operate a computer in a protected manner, as well as system and network administrators.

SSH provides public-key authentication and password authentication, and encrypted data communications between the two systems connected over an open network. Secure shell protocol connections are encrypted using symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, and hashing.

History of SSH?

SSH’s first version appeared in 1995. It was designed by a researcher at the Helsinki University of Technology named Tatu Ylönen. SSH1 and the SSH-1 protocol were produced in 1995 by Tatu Ylönen, a researcher at the Helsinki University of Technology in Finland.

After his university network was offering a password-sniffing attack earlier that year, Ylönen mixed up SSH1 for himself. Over the years, some defects were found in the initial version of SSH, called SSH-1, which is why this version is now supposed to be not reliable to use and deprecated. The current version of SSH, called SSH-2, uses more effective integrity to check with the ssh authentication system.

Use SSH To Connect To Remote Server

If you already using SSH to connect with the remote server then we recommend a key generator tool called "Putty". The Linux version of PuTTY is a graphical terminal request that is not pre-installed in most Linux distributions.

Although, PuTTY can be easily connected via terminal on a Linux-based device. It is the best generator tool for creating public and private ssh keys. There are three steps for connecting to Remote Server in Linux by using Putty.

  1. Configure Putty
  2. Authenticate SSH Key
  3. Save the Putty Configuration

1. Configure Putty

The main session configuration screen will resemble when you launch PuTTY. Begin by entering the Host Name (or IP address) of the server you are running to connect to. The port will be set to 22 by default, as this is the standard port for SSH on most servers.

Adjust the number as needed and make sure that the Connection type is set to SSH. If you do not use a private key to connect to your server and do not want to save your configuration for next use, you can click Open to qualify an SSH immediate connection to your server that confirms it with your account password.

If this is the first time you connect to your server, PuTTY will show a Security Warning to let you know that it does not have a key in the registry for this server.

Click the Open tab, enter the password, and connect.

2. Authenticate SSH Key

PuTTY may also be configured to use SSH keys. SSH keys are more reliable, and sometimes more available, methods of authentication. After generating an SSH key pair and uploading the public key to your server, press Auth to display the authentication options in the sidebar of the central configuration panel.

Click the Browse button at the bottom of the screen next to the Private key for authentication and pick the saved PPK SSH key file from your local device.

3. Save the Putty Configuration

PuTTY allows you to save the configuration that you apply to connect to a server so that you don’t have to copy all the information each time. After you have filled in all the necessary fields and are ready to connect, make sure you are on the main session configuration screen described above.

You can see the hostname and port number of your server. Enter the name of your saved SSH session configuration in the text box under Saved Sessions, and press Save.

Connecting to an SSH Server

We will use the ssh command to connect to a remote machine using SSH. To connect to a remote machine, the most essential form of this ssh command is -

ssh remote_host

The remote_host is an example of the domain name or the IP address that you want to connect to. You can use this command if the username on your local system is the same as the username on the remote user. You can use the following basic syntax for the ssh command if the remote system has a different username -

ssh remote_username@remote_host

You might be asked to provide a password to verify your identity once you’re connected to the server. To return to your local shell session and exit the ssh session, all you need to do is type -


Final Note

Well, this article covers "How to Use SSH to connect to Remote Server in Linux". It covers a nice piece of information. Read this article. If you have any suggestions then please gives us valuable feedback.